Friday, September 3, 2010

30 Days of MeMe, Day 11

Day 11 - a photo of you taken recently

I took this picture one week ago while at the State Fair. In my hand, Spaghetti and Meatballs on a stick. Requested by Chief for me to have while he is on deployment.   Chief gets an F, but he can have it any time he wants, I would even make it for him...


  1. Doesn't the spaghetti/sauce fall off the stick? I would think a bib would need to be included!

  2. Stacie - note the fork in black. And the fact that it was in a ... bowlthingydoodah. Very messy, and def not my fav.

  3. thank you for following and being my 100th follower.. i am now starting a post on the giveaway of a japanese kimono with wooden sandals [ well its the entire set lol] and yeii to being a navy wife =)

  4. LOL! So....the stick is just for looks?! I didn't even see the fork the first time around.
