Friday, August 20, 2010

MILS Friday Fill In

1. If you could be a fugitive from the law for whatever reason, what would your crime be? (from It’s a Hooah Life)
Oooh!  Pierce Brosnan in Thomas Crown Affair, that's who I'd be.

2.How long do you think you will be a military family? (from Julie the Army Wife)
2,619 more days unless there is an amazing offer! 

3.What’s your favorite recipe? (from Keep Calm and Soldier On)
Mom's hotdish, yes I am Minnesotan!  :)
Get your dutch oven out ladies...
No heat yet.
1 pound bacon, lined across the bottom
1 pound hamburger spread over bacon
6-8 average potatoes cut up however you like to eat them
1 small bag of baby carrots (1 pound I think)
1 onion
Pepper and Salt as desired
Layered just like that, onions on top :)
Cook on stove top at medium for 1 hour, DO NOT STIR.
Serve with homemade biscuits. Yum!

Enjoy ladies!

4.What would you want your last five words to be when you leave this life? (from My Goal is Simple)
Where are my pink stilletos?

5.Where do you hope to retire? (from Pennies from Heaven)
From the Navy?  Back to Minnesota.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the seasons.  In all honesty, I think it would be nice to be able to travel whenever and still call MN home.


  1. Hehe... pink stilettos!

    Thanks for participating this week... hope to see you around next week!
