Thursday, October 7, 2010

MILS Friday Fill In #16

Link up with Wifey at Wife of a Sailor!

1.What is the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
Longest...I went with my mom and my grammy out to British Columbia one summer. We left Minnesota, drove thru the Dakotas, and then the mountains, stayed a few places along the way. Stopped in Washington to visit a family friend and then many places along the way in Canada where we had family. Saw lots of really aweseome things, went across this bridge - where my mom and I were scared to pieces...
Shopped in Chinatown where we got a lobster, that stayed in the trunk over the course of the HOT day, and then into the freezer, that proceeded to snap out at my mom over dinner!  Was priceless. I was all of 13 on this trip. Certainly something I will remember the rest of my life. We stayed with a Phillipino lady in Vancouver who was a friend of the family. Introduced my to cellophane noodles and tofu. YUM!  We visited Victoria by ferry, and I was in love.

2.Do you collect anything? Tell us a bit about it.
Dollheads.  I know! Sounds crazy!  Here's my favorite post of things I collect....
3.What is your favorite part about being an adult?
Responsibility, even if sometimes it is overwhelming. Watching my daughter grow into the most amazing little lady. Reconnecting with Prince Charming "Chief" of my dreams and being in love.  There are days I'd throw it all in to be 5 again tho!
4.What song brings a tear to your eye?
Anything Bing Crosby sings. Reminds me of my daddy...RIP dad.
5.Describe your first plane ride (how old you were, where you were heading, etc).
Does it count if I was 2 weeks old? My mom was the Queen for Daughters of the Nile here in Minneapolis. We went to ... Santa Fe, New Mexico for a huge convention. My mom was pretty important!

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