Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's about time!!!

The past couple weeks have been nutso for me!  With Minny's new schedule to include Girl Scouts, Dance, Therapy, Church and other social events along with my day job, Premier business and that big 9th birthday celebration, holy cow, holy busy!! Did I mention someone may have been in port, too?  "insert giddy here"
Our lives get progressively busier every year she goes back to school. For those of you with kiddos, do you see the same pattern here? Wowzas. Speaking of which...Minny just had a birthday...How many of you or your kids were losing molars by age 9? WOW. This picture is from the first one she lost on Sunday. Tuesday if you can believe it, lost the other one in class!  Oh my my my...

I am pretty excited. I place an order with Mrs. Gambizzle today and can't wait to receive the pieces!  The necklace is for me and the keychain for Chief's mom for the holidays. I can't believe it's less than 3 months until Chief will be visiting! I can't tell you how DING DANG excited I am. Every day is a day closer.
And that means he will be telling me just where we're moving. And I am excited and nervous and and and about that too. He has some really great opportunities to choose from for sure.
I heard from my middle brother Joe today. He and his wife are flying in the night before Thanksgiving from Montreal to surprise my mommy!  Needless to say, I picked having Christmas at my house for the holidays this year...and no one spoke up about Thanksgiving...You know what that means?  Yep, I'm hosting both! I am just thankful that I have a home, and an awesome family to celebrate with. Chief will be the only one missing, but soon enough we'll be able to celebrate together all of the holidays.  It's a surprise to my mommy that Joe and Myrtelle are coming, James lives about 40 minutes from me and Michael lives 20 minutes. Mom is almost 3 hours, but it will TOTALLY be worth the surprise.
I am sending my Fall Swap package out today and am super excited for her to receive it! Yay!
We watched Obsessed last night...Woooweee!  Gooooood movie if you haven't seen it. Wow. Not what I expected at all.
More soon, back to my crazy life!

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